Flyer published by Anthology Film Archives Video Program to promote screenings held at Millenium Film Workshop in the Winter of 1986. Screenings by Shigeko Kubota, Kirk von Heflin, Mark Brady, Paul Lamarre, Richard Layzell, Tony Cokes, Laura Kipnis, Diana Formisand, Miles Green, Joan Grossman, Francis Lackey, David Lyons, Paul Sandresky, The Space Program, Richard Rosenbaum, Ann-Sargent Wooster, Stephen Meyer, Steve Fagin, Julie Harrison, Robert Kleyn, Lyn Hershman, Louis Hock, Jill Kroesen, Connie Coleman, Alan Powell and Mark Magill. [details]
Collaborative artists' book edited by Aleksandra Mir and Tim Griffin, with contributions by 150 artists. "Bad reviews of 150 artists who submitted their worst reviews for reprint. Beginning in the 1960s and including translations from thirteen languages, this collaborative project makes for the broadest historical and geographical survey of severe Art Criticism, its shifting form, nature, and impact, by those directly subjected to it--the artists. ... [details]
Four page index of artists' books offered by Printed Matter as holiday inspired gifts. Each title includes a sentence or two description, image, and bibliographic data. Includes titles by John Baldessari, Sue Coe, Holly Metz, Collaborative Projects, Christian Marclay, Barbara Kruger, John Fekner, Steve Gianakos, Seth Weinhard, Edward Ruscha, Jenny Holzer, Gary Panter, Celia Jordan, Kathy Acker, Mark Magill, Matt Groening, Rein Jansma, Jack Goldstein, Janice Snyder, Anne-Catherine Fallen, Roz Chast, Janet Zweig, Richard Prince, and Sol LeWitt. ... [details]
Artist's book by Kathy Acker written in the form of a play set during the French Revolution. Designed by Mark Magill. [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Cover design by Sarah Charlesworth. Essays "Part IV of XXLV Seasons," by Leslie Schiff; "Great Expectations," by Kathy Acker; "Lullabye," by Duncan Hannah; "Motive," Michael McClard interviewed by Kathy Acker; "I Was An Extra. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essay "Theater," by Cookie Mueller; "The Roman Polanski Story," by Gary Indiana, interview by Betsy Sussler; "A Child is Being Beaten...," by Michael Smith, interview by Rosemary Hochschild; "Charles Ludlam and Christopher Scott," interview by Ted Castle; "Sonia Delauney, Interview and Photos," by David Seidner; "Schlegel On Wit," by Duncan Smith; "Metropolis," by Christian Marazzi; "Heroin Boys," by Jeff Goldberg and Doug Latimer; "Oblique Meditations on Murder," by Mat Fleury; "Difficulty Swallowing," by Mathew Geller; "Rainer," by Terence Sellers; "Brenda Losing / Valerie Losing 2," by Cookie Mueller; "The Undertaker," by Burt Barr; "Secret Agent," by Jackie Ochs, interview by Betsy Sussler; "Cinematography," by Johanna Heer; "Hit and Run," by Mirielle Cervenka and Gordon Stevenson; "Jeanne Maurice. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Cover by Mark Magill. Essays "Algier Killings," by Janny Densmore; "The Motion of Verbs," by Liza Bear; "Valie Export," interview by Gary Indiana; "Watch Being Watched," by Steve Torton; "Communications Update, A Cable T. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "Constance DeJong, I.T.I.L.O.E.," by Richard Beckett, "Michael McClard, The Naked Eye," by Betsy Sussler; "Interview," by Paul Bowles; "Un Tour d'Hoizon," by Richard Armstrong; "The White Shirt," by Burt Barr; "Evening," by Barry Yourgrau; "Harry at Work, A Scenes from Harry's Story," by Michael Alfie; "My First Poem," by Peter Scheldahl; "Summer 1980," by Luc Sante; "Clinton Street," by Fred Brathwaite and Olivier Mosset; "Some Photographs and Brain," by Jane Warrick; "Is It Hemingway or Is It Memorex," by Glenn O'Brien; "The Shoestore in Caborca. ... [details]
Edited by Betsy Sussler. Essays "H.M. Koutoukas, The Head Gargoyle," by Cookie Mueller; "Nightshift," by Allen Frame; "James Purdy," by Allen Frame; "Mary Mhoon," Allen Frame; "478," by David Seidner; "Joan Tewkesbury," by David Seidner; "James McLure," by Betsy Sussler; "Umarla Klasa," by Tadeusz Kantor; "Rockets Redglare," by Mark Magill; "Olue Kuroemon II from the Grand Kabuki," by Robert Aaron; "JoAnne Akalaitis," by Craig Gholson; "Maris Duval," by Susan Mallouk; "Cathode Cruel," by Susan Landau; "Gianfranco Gorgoni," by Betsy Sussler; "Glossolania," by Sarah Charlesworth and Barbara Kruger. ... [details]