Anthology of texts on Pop Art by Lucy Lippard, with contributions by Lawrence Alloway, Nicolas Calas, and Nancy Marmer, first published in 1966. Artists featured in the texts include William Copley, Stuart Dais, Marcel Duchamp, Japser Johns, Wally Hedrick, Billy Apple, Peter Blake, Derek Boshier, Rudolph Burckhardt, Patrick Caulfield, Fernand Léger, Gerald Murphy, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Kurt Schwitters, John Wesley, H. ... [details]
September 1974 issue of Studio International. Edited by Peter Townsend. Contents include: "Art Front," by Gerald M. Monroe; "The Hayward Biennale," Andrew Forge, Myles Murphy, Paul Huxley, John McEwen; "A Conversation with Henryk Stazewski," with Wieslaw Borowski; "Correspondence;" "The Origins of Modernism in England," by Charles Harrison; "Food as an Art Form," by Mary Douglas; "The mature portraitist: Richard Avedon," by Dore Ashton; "The Englishness of Caro," by Joseph Masheck; "Review. ... [details]
Anthology of texts by Lucy Lippard, Lawrence Alloway, Nicolas Calas, and Nancy Marmer. Artists featured in the texts include William Copley, Stuart Dais, Marcel Duchamp, Japser Johns, Wally Hedrick, Billy Apple, Peter Blake, Derek Boshier, Rudolph Burckhardt, Patrick Caulfield, Fernand Léger, Gerald Murphy, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Kurt Schwitters, John Wesley, H. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held February 27 - April 7, 1969. Essay by Bengt Häger. Artists include Nils von Dardel, Per Krohg, Gerda Wegener, Fernand Léger, Miguel Covarrubias, Foujita, Francis Picabia, Louis Touchagues, Isaac Grünewald, Carina Ari, Pierre Bonnard, T. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at the Staatgsalerie Stuttgart , February 1 - May 19, 1997. Writing by Karin v. Maur, Ina Conzen, Dietmar Guderian, Stefan Heinlein, Helga de la Motte-Haber, Jérôme Peignot, and Karl Riha, with essays by the following artists Johannes Molzahn, Max Bill, Bernar Venet, Mel Bochner, Roman Opalka, and Rune Mields. ... [details]
Monograph on the painting of Gerald Murphy by William Rubin with the collaboration of Carolyn Lancher. Forward by Archibald MacLeish. [details]