Critical text by Jorge Glusberg published following a workshop held at Palazzo Grassi in 1979, hosted by New York University and the Center of Art and Communication of Buenos Aries. Chapters in publication include "A prehistory of the genre," "The rise of happening," "Body Art and Performances," "Body discourse," "Signs and open codes," "The liberation of languages," "The reality of desire," "Kaprow, Beuys and Fluxus today," and "Appendix: L'Art Corporel" authored by Gregory Battcock. ... [details]
Book of critical theory by Jorge Glusberg with black and white original illustrations by Luis Benedit. Text in English. [details]
Single fold card / announcement published in conjunction with conversations on "The Convergence of Art and Philosophy," held May 22-23, [1989] at New York University. Speakers included Jean Baudrillard, Collins & Milazzo, Sarah Charlesworth, Jorge Glusberg, Peter Halley, Joseph Kosuth, Richard Martin, Robert Morgan, and Tim Rollins. [details]
Three sheet exhibition announcement / catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 1 - 20, 1974. Organized by Jorge Glusberg. Artists included Alvaro Barrios, Jaques Bedel, Luis Benedit, Juan Bercetche, Antonio Berni, Cesar Bolanos, Elda Cerrato, Jaime Davidovich, Angelo de Aquino, Guillermo Deisler, Gregorio Dujovny, Juan Downey, Carlos Ginzburg, Jorge González Mir, Victor Grippo, Haroido Gonzalez, Rafael Hastings, Bernardo Krasniansky, Uzi Kotler, Jorge Lezama, Antonio Caro Lopera, Juan Carlos Romero, Ricardo Roux, Bernardo Salcedo, Maximo Soto, Julio Teich, Clorinda Testa, Enrique Torroja, Nicolas Garcia, Uriburu, and Horacio Zabala. [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held in July 1971. Organized by Jorge Glusberg. Artists include Vito Acconci, Eleanor Antin, Arakawa, Sue Arrowsmith, David Askevold, Walter Ave, John Baldessari, Manuel Barbadillo, Robert Barry, Otto Beckmann, Luis Benedit, Mel Bochner, Christian Boltanski, Ian Breakwell, Eugen Brikcius, Stuart Brisley, Stanley Brouwn, Donald Burgy, Don Celender, Jürgen Claus, James Collins, Christo, Agnes Denes, Mirtha Dermisache, Antonio Dias, Geniy Dignac, Gregorio Dujovny, David Dye, Stano Filko, Barry Flanagan, Terry Fox, Dr. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held July 1971. Artists include Víctor Grippo, Alberto Pellegrino, and Alfredo Portillos. "These are three artists who have met to cover a path together. ... [details]
Exhibition brochure published in conjunction with a colloquium organized by Jorge Glusberg, held on August 1 - 10, 1979, and a series of performances held August 8 - 12, 1979, at the Palazzo Grassi, Venice, Italy. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Nash House, London, December, 1974. Organized by Jorge Glusberg. Presentation by Julie Lawson. Artists include Mauricio Andres, Angelo de Aquino, Alvaro Barrios, Jacques Bedel, Luis Benedit, Juan Bercetche, Antonio Berni, Federico Brook, Sergio Camporeale, Antonio Caro, Jorge Carabello, Waldemar Cordeiro, Mario Cravo Neto, Delia Cugat, Horacio D'Alessandro, Jaime Davidovich, Guillermo Deisler, Mirtha Dermisache, Antonio Dias, Geny Dignac, Gregorio Dujovny, Carlos Espartaco, Mercedes Esteves, Rubens Gerchman, Carlos Ginzburg, Haroldo González, Jorge González Mir, Victor Grippo, Rafael Hastings, Alberto Heredia, Bernardo Krasniansky, Lea Lublin, Leopoldo Maler, Jonier Marin, Vicente Marotta, Raul Marroquin, Fernán Meza, Marta Minujin, Pablo Obelar, Mari Orensanz, Clemente Padín, Luis Pazos, Liliana Porter, Alfredo Portillos, Alejandro Puente, Héctor Puppo, Ramírez Amaya, Osvaldo Romberg, Juan Carlos Romero, Ricardo Roux, Bernardo Salcedo, Jorge Silberman, Clorindo Testa, Mirta Tocci, Amelia Toledo, Claudio Tozzi, Antonio Trotta, Nicolás Uriburu, Edgardo Vigo, Horacio Zabala, and Daniel Zelaya. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue / artist's book published in conjunction with show held December 1973. Edited by Jorge Glusberg. Text in English and Spanish. [details]
Compendium of transcripts and texts based on "Open Circuits : An International Conference on the Future of Television," which was organized by Fred Barzyk, Douglas Davis, Gerald O'Grady, and Willard Van Dyke for the Museum of Modern Art, New York City, in January 1974. ... [details]