Issue number three (of six issues published) of "It Is : A Magazine for Abstract Art," published between 1958 and 1965. Edited by P.G. Pavia. Contents include: "A Little Room for Feeling," by Hubert Crehan; "Face Front," by Sidney Geist; "Abstraction in Poetry," by Allen Ginsberg; "Editor of a Hearsay Panel," by Elaine de Kooning; "Thoughts on the Dance," by Merle Marsicano; "Drawing," by Mercedes Matter; "Spontaneity," by George McNeil; "Manifesto-In-Progress III," by P. ... [details]
Issue number two out (of six issues published) of the periodical It is. published from 1958 - 1965. Collated by P.G. Pavlia, directed by Sebastian Gallo. Contents include: "Dialogue Found in Brooklyn Cellar," by John Asher; "Sound, Noise, Varese and Boulez," by Morton Feldman; "On Innocence in Abstract Painting," by John Ferren; "Glossary," by Aristodimos Kaldis; "4 Excerpts," by Piet Mondrian; "Artaud: Review/Essay," by E. ... [details]
Issue four of the periodical Semina, edited Wallace Berman. Issue four includes 23 loose inserts with poems Philip Lamantia, Charles Brittin, Ron Loewinsohn, William Blake, William S Burroughs, David Meltzer, W. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 13, 1961 - February 4, 1962. Artists included in the exhibition are Pat Adams, Josef Albers, Ivan Albright, Milton Avery, Rudolf Baranik, Robert Barnes, Will Barnet, William Baziotes, Janice Biala, Elmer Bischoff, Isabel Bishop, Peter Blume, Seymour Boardman, Ilya Bolotowsky, Ernest Briggs, Robert Broderson, James Brooks, Charles Burchfield, Paul Cadmus, Lawrence Calcagno, Nicolas Carone, Edmund Casarella, Giorgio Cavallon, Carmen Cicero, Carroll Cloar, Edward Corbett, Ralston Crawford, Nassos Daphnis, Stuart Davis, Elaine de Kooning, Richard Diebenkorn, Enrico Donati, Jimmy Ernst, Philip Evergood, Perle Fine, Seymour Fogel, Sam Francis, Helen Frankenthaler, Jared French, Elaine Galen, Lee Gatch, Thomas George, Paul Georges, Edward Giobbi, Joseph Glasco, Michael Goldberg, Sidney Goodman, Robert Goodnough, Adolph Gottlieb, Morris Graves, Cleve Gray, Balcomb Greene, Stephen Greene, Philip Guston, Grace Hartigan, John Heliker, Margo Hoff, Hans Hofmann, Carl Holty, Edward Hopper, Angelo Ippolito, Paul Jenkins, Jasper Johns, Wolf Kahn, Ellsworth Kelly, William Kienbusch, Franz Kline, Karl Knaths, Yayoi Kusama, Jacob Lawrence, Alfred Leslie, Jack Levine, Denver Lindley, Michael Loew, David Lund, Loren Maciver, Leo Manso, Conrad Marca-Relli, Nicholas Marsicano, Richard Mayhew, Gerald McLaughlin, George McNeil, Samuel M. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held March 20 - May 13, 1962. Text by John Gordon. Artists included are Josef Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Will Barnet, Karl Benjamin, Ilya Bolotowsky, Paul Brach, Patrick Henry Bruce, Alexander Calder, Chryssa, Ralston Crawford, Nassos Daphnis, Stuart Davis, Deborah de Moulpied, Jose de Rivera, Burgoyne Diller, Arthur G. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held May 11 - June 13, 1990. Text by April Kingsley. Approximately 30 color and black-and-white plates. Includes biography, exhibition history, and bibliography. [details]
Annual catalogue published in 2007. Contains 32 works in a full color plate presentation from Robert Beauchamp, Peter Busa, Jo Cain, Oliver Newberry Chaffee, Jr., Ralph Coburn, Nanno de Groot, Dorothy Eisner, T. ... [details]
Annual catalogue published in 2008. Contains 35 works in a full color plate presentation from Robert Beauchamp, Peter Busa, Jo Cain, Edward Corbett, Edwin Dickinson, Maitland De Gogorza, Nanno de Groot, Dorothy Eisner, T. ... [details]
Exhibition brochure published in conjunction with show held November 17 - December 23, 2006. Essay by David Cowan. Artists include Ilya Bolotowsky, Peter Busa, Giorgio Cavallon, Ralph Coburn, Burgoyne Diller, James Gahagan, Panos Ghikas, Murray Hantman, Raymond Jonson, George Lloyd, Michael Loew, Daniel Massen, Haynes Ownby, Ray Parker, James Rosati, Charles Green Shaw, Myron Stout and Kenneth Stubbs. [details]
2005 auction catalogue for the Chicago-based auction house Wright. Includes works by Ansel Adams, Jacques Adnet, Josef Albers, Franco Albini, Richard Anuskiewicz, Ron Arad, Arditi, Robert Arneson, Jean Arp, Arredoluce, Artisti Barovier, Richard Artschwager, Arne Bang, Ercole Barovier, Milo Baughman, Mario Bellini, Ward Bennett, Harry Bertoia, Fulvio Bianconi, Max Bill, Jacques Biny, Sol Bloom, Ilya Bolotowsky, Heinrich Siegfried Bormann, Osvaldo Borsani, Ronan and Erwan Bouroullec, Angelo Brotto, Paolo Buffa, Carlo Bugatti, Erwin Burger, Santiago Calatrava, Alexander Calder, Harry Callahan, Achille e Pier Castiglioni, Giacomo, Cavatorta, John Chamberlain, Pol Chambost, Norman Cherner, Pietro Chiesa, Luigi Colani, Rinaldo Cutini, Joe D'Urso, ANtonio Da Ros, Salvador Dali, Donald Deskey, Desny, Erich Dieckmann, Don Drumm, Charles Eames, Ray Eames, Craig Ellwood, Edmond Etling, Paul Evans, Claire Falkenstein, Salvatore Fiume, Piero Fornasetti, Paul Frankl, Gianfranco Frattini, Anzolo Fuga, Arditi and Gianni Gamberini, Guido Gambone, Denyse Gatard, Karl Gerstner, David Gilhooly, Philip Goodwin, Waylande Gregory, Greta Magnusson Grossman, Maija Grotell, Pierre Guariche, Irving Harper, Cedric Hartman, Poul Henningsen, Michael Higgins, Francis Higgins, Josef Hoffmann, Mabel Hutchinson, Max Ingrand, Arne Jacobsen, ALfred Jensen, Jasper Johns, Georges Jouve, Finn Juhl, Vladimir Kagan, Ilonka Karasz, Takeshi Kawashima, Poul Kjaerholm, Florence Knoll, Donald Knorr, Ron Krueck, Shiro Kuramata, Cesare Lacca, Boris Lacroix, Morris Lapidus, Ibram Lassaw, Julio Le Parc, Jules Leleu, Angelo Lelli, Cesare Leonardi, Raymond Loewy, Tyra Lundgren, Vico Magistretti, Dino Martens, Napoleone Martinuzzi, Samuel Marx, Luigi Massoni, Mathieu Mategot, Bruno Mathsson, Warren McArthur, Fausto Melotti, Roberto Monsani, Gino Levi Montalcini, Henry Moore, Francois Morellet, Serge Mouille, George Nakashima, Otto and Gertrud Natzler, George Nelson, Nerone e Palmizzi, Richard Neutra, Louise Nevelson, Marc Newson, Oscar Niemeyer, Isamu Noguchi, Kenneth Noland, Alexandre Noll, Rude Osolnik, J. ... [details]