Winter 1980/1981 issue of the quarterly periodical Cover, edited by Judith Aminoff. Contents include: "The Heart of the Pigeon," by Henry Korn; "Conversation," a conversation between Marcia Hafif, Olivier Mosset, Howard Smith, and Jerry Zeniuk; "Currents," artwork by Christian Poveda, Shirly Pu & R. ... [details]
Zine like catalogue for the UNbearables Arts Festival held across multiple venues in New York City, April 1 - April 30, 2001. Venues included ABC No Rio, Fusion, Bullet Space, A Gathering of the Tribes, Fire Patrol No. ... [details]
"It is perhaps unnecessary today to insist on Robert Smithson's authenticity. Despite his eulogy five years ago [1974] I found myself wishing to make 'great claims' for him, a wish I feel again now, on the publication of his essays. ... [details]