Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held January 13 - February 13, 1983. Curated and with essay by Cynthia Charters and L. Price Amerson. Artists include Bruce Nauman, William Allan, Robert Arneson, Jerrold Ballaine, Richard C. ... [details]
March 1987 issue of Artforum, edited by Ingrid Sischy. Contents include: "The Opposite of Emptiness: On the Spirit in Art," by Thomas McEvilley; "Excuse Me Madame But It Seems To Me Unless I'm Mistaken That I've Met You Somewhere Before: A Conversation with Eugène Ionesco," by Sanda Miller; "Nine Beatitudes on Eight Pages: After 'Four Saints in Three Acts,' Another Act, with Pictures," by Ingrid Sischy; "Hans Haacke's Corporate Muse: 'Unfinished Business,'" by Jean Fisher; "The Sleeping Beauty in the Castle of Modern Art: A Slumberer Stirs," by Ida Panicelli; "Louise Bourgeois: Where Angels Fear to Tread, A Profile in Courage," by Donald Kuspit; "Museum Piece: Rain. ... [details]
April 1989 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Remote Control: Barbara Kruger on Television" by Barbara Kruger; "The Cave: Michele Wallace on Invisibility Blues" by Michele Wallace; "Environment: Vilem Flusser on Future Architecture" by Vilem Flusser; "Expertease: Silvia Kolbowski on Knowledge and Power" by Silvia Kolbowski; "Like Art: Glenn O'Brien on Advertising," by Glenn O'brien; "Books: Alice Yaeger Kaplan on 'Nuclear Fear,'" by Alice Yaeger Kaplan; "Signs of Light: Walker Evans' American Photographs," by Max Kozloff; "Subjectivity in Time: Kasimir Malevich," by Rainer Crone and David Moos; "Protection: A Project for Artforum," by Christian Boltanski and Annette Messager; "The Erography of Cy Twombly," by Demosthenes Davvetas; "We ? New Jersey," by Komar & Melamid; "The Passageway: A Project for Artforum," by Wolgang Laib; "Words around Warhol," by Jack Bankowsky; "Space around Warhol," by Herbert Muschamp; "The Phoenix of the Self," by John Yau; "Turning Japenese (In)," by John Welchman; "Ambitious: A project for Artforum," by Janet Zweig. ... [details]
May 1988 issue of Artforum, edited by Ida Panicelli. Contents include: "Ground Up," Herbert Muschamp on Architecture; "Special Effects," Carol Squiers on the News and It's Pictures; "Marginalia," Thomas McEvilley on Son of Sublime; "Believe it or Not," J. ... [details]
Inaugural issue of Boxcar: A Magazine of the Arts, edited by Paul Vangelisti. Contributors include : Gretchen Lanes, Keisho Okayama, Roger Herman, Charles Garabedian, Llyn Foulkes, Richard Diebenkorn, Peter Liashkov, Tony Berlant, John Lees, Robert Kelly, John Thomas, Michael Palmer, Lyn Hejinian, Paul Vangelisti, Ron Silliman, Holly Prado, Bruce Fier, Paul Forte, Robert Crosson, Charles Bernstein, Clark Coolidge, John Yau, Jed Rasula, Dennis Phillips, Marina La Palma, Barbara Einzig, Martha Lifson, Peter Levitt, Robert Trammell, David Searcy, George Herms, Jeffrey Vallance, Michael C. ... [details]
Issue no. 7 of the quarterly periodical Cover, edited by Judith Aminoff. Contents include: "New York / Paris," by Barre Phillips; "Jazz Visuals," by Arthur Beatty; "a Pierre et Marie," by Claude Gintz; "Pointed Portraits," by Chalkie Davis, Paula Court, Robert Mapplethorpe, and Philippe Cazal; "Pina Bausch;" "Ingrid Caven;" "Richard Foreman;" "Honneur, Puissance et Amour des Femmes," by Craig Owens; "Willy Ronis;" "Figuration: Libre?," by Remy Blanchard, Calum Fraser, Louis Jammes; "Entre Chien et Loup," by Aude Bodet; "Portfolio: Originaux," Jean Goussebaire-Dupin, Bernard Frize, Daniel Buren, Gerard Garouste, Sarkis, Joan Logue, and Bill Woodrow; "Malcolm Morley;" "Dialogue: Bernard Lamarche-Vadel;" "Richard Prince;" "Robert Kramer;" "John Fekner;" "Jean Jacques Schuhl;" "Jacques Minnasian;" and "Lizzie," by Eve Zheim. ... [details]
Anthology of texts on Pop Art by Lucy Lippard, with contributions by Lawrence Alloway, Nicolas Calas, and Nancy Marmer, first published in 1966. Artists featured in the texts include William Copley, Stuart Dais, Marcel Duchamp, Japser Johns, Wally Hedrick, Billy Apple, Peter Blake, Derek Boshier, Rudolph Burckhardt, Patrick Caulfield, Fernand Léger, Gerald Murphy, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, Kurt Schwitters, John Wesley, H. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held at Fondazione Prada, ca' Corner della Regina, Venice, Italy, June 1 – November 3, 2013. Exhibition was based on the original 1969 show—"Live in Your Head : When Attitudes Become Form : Works, Concepts, Processes, Situations, Information / wenn Attitüden Form werden : Werke, Konzepte, Vorgänge, Situationen, Information / quand les attitudes deviennent forme : oeuvres, concepts, processus, situations, information / quando attitudini diventano forma : opere, concetti, processi, situazioni, informazione"—held at Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland, March 22 - April 27, 1969, curated by Harold Szeemann. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published as an overview of performances and exhibitions held at The Kitchen in New York in 1974 and 1975. Introduction by Bruce Kurtz. Artists include: Ant Farm, Eleanor Antin, John Baldessari, Kirsten Bates, Connie Beckley, David Behrens, David Behrman, Carmen Beuchat, Scott Billingsley, Trisha Brown, Jim Burton, Jim Byrne, Peter Campus, Cornelius Cardew, Sergio Cervetti, Rhys Chatham, Peggy Cicierska, Andy Mannik, Jim Cobb, David Cort, Alvin Curran, Barbara Dilley, Juan Downey, Jean Depuy, Susan Ensley, Henry Flynt, Nova'Billy, Simone Forti, Jon Gibson, Davidson Gigliotti, Frank Gillette, Tina GIrouard, Dan Graham, Amy Greenfield, Ellen Grossman, Noel Harding, Julia Heyward, Nancy Holt, Gerard Hovagimyan, Nelson Howe, Tannis Hugill, Tom Johnson, Joan Jonas, Beryl Korot, Jill Kroesen, Shigeko Kubota, Robert Kushner, Richard Landry, Darcy Lange, Garrett List, Anna Lockwood, Alvin Lucier, Jackson Mac Low, Ingram Marshall, Michael McClard, Mike Metz, Dick Miller, Phill Niblock, Steve Paxton, Liz Phillips, Virginia Quesada, Eliane Radique, Steve Reich, Jonathan Richman, Ripert Center, Joost Romeu, Jim Rosenberg, Leon Rosenblatt, Martha Rosler, Arthur Russell, Ira Schneider, Robin Schwartz, Allen Sekula, S. ... [details]
Anthology of records by artists from 1958 - 1990 organized and with an essay by Giorgio Maffei. Artists / bands include: Marina Abramovic, Yaakov Agam (Jacob Gipstein), Albrecht D., Lucio Amelio, Cy Twombly, Robert Mapplethorpe, Charles Amirkhanian, Laurie Anderson, Karel Appel, Art & Language, The Red Crayola, Richard Artschwager, Robert Ashley, Attersee, Gerhard Rühm, Vittore Baroni, Robert Barry, François Baschet, Bernard Baschet, Jacques Lasry, Georg Baselitz, Cathy Berberian, Harry Bertoia, Marco Bertoni, Enrico Serotti, Joseph Beuys, Henning Christiansen, Nam June Paik, Bill Bissett, Eric Bogosian, Claus Böhmler, Christian Boltanski, Jean-François Bory, Glenn Branca, Jean-Louis Brau, Gil J. ... [details]