June 1970 issue of Art-Language edited by Terry Atkinson, David Bainbridge, Michael Baldwin, Harold Hurrell, and Joseph Kosuth. Contents include: "Proceedings: Society for Theoretical Art and Analyses," by Ian Burn, Mel Ramsden, and Roger Cutforth; "Art Enquiry (2)," by Mel Ramsden; "(i) Concerning Some Theories and their Worlds," by Graham J. Howard; "(ii) Mona Lisas," by Graham J. Howard; "Marshal McLuhan and the Behavioral Sciences," by Bernard Bihari; "A Preliminary Proposal for the Directing of Perception," by Mel Ramsden; and "General Note: M. Baldwin, (i) Atkinson and Meaninglessness, (ii) Preface, (iii) Dead Issues," by Michael Baldwin.