objects: 152
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 210 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 48, No. 3 (November 2009)

Tom Griffin, Thomas Crow, Daniel Birnbaum, Amy Taubin, Alison McMahan, Seth-Kim-Cohen, Anthony Huberman, New Jerseyy, Michelle Kuo, Katharina Fritsch, Scott Rothkopf, Jessica Morgan, K. Michael Hays, Adriano Pedrosa, Steven Henry Madoff, David Harvey, Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri, Matthew Jesse Jackson, Tom McDonough, Elisabeth Sussman, Max Kozloff, Chelsea Weathers, Leora Maltz-Leca, Lisa Turvey, Michael Wilson, Frances Richard, Jeffrey Kastner, Robert Pincus-Witten, Johanna Burton, David Frankel, Suzanne Hudson, Caroline Busta, David Velasco, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Emily Hall, Nick Stillman, Donald Kuspit, James Yood, Philip Auslander, Kyle MacMillan, Catherine Taft, Glen Helfand, Michael Ned Holte, Natilee Harren, Christopher Miles, Dan Adler, Phyllis Tuchman, Michael Archer, Barry Schwabsky, Michèle Faguet, Daniel Boese, Dominikus Müller, Jens Asthoff, Nuit Banai, Olivier Mignon, Jon Bywater, Marco Tagliafierro, Ida Panicelli, Marek Bartelik, Miguel Amado, Charles Green, Mathieu Borysevicz, Katia Canton, Urs Fischer

Issue edited by Tom Griffin. Essays "Editor's Letter: Action and Abstraction," by Tom Griffin; "Passages: Thomas Crow on Charles Harrison," by Thomas Crow; "Books: Daniel Birnbaum on Arthur C. Danto's 'Andy Warhol,'" by Daniel Birnbaum; "Film: Amy Taubin on Richard Kelly's 'The Box,'" by Amy Taubin; "Film: Alison McMahan on Alice Guy Blaché," by Alison McMahan; "Sound: Seth Kim-Cohen on Doug Aitken's 'Sonic Pavilion,'" by Seth-Kim-Cohen; "Curating: Anthony Huberman on Robert Filliou," by Anthony Huberman; "Top Ten," by New Jerseyy; "Taste Tests: The Art of Urs Fischer," by Michelle Kuo; "Double Life: A Project by Katharina Fritsch," introduction by Scott Rothkopf; "1000 Words: Rabih Mroué," by Jessica Morgan; "Mind the Design: The Bauhaus turns Ninety," by K. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 354 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 49, No. 1 (September 2010)

Michelle Kuo, Lynne Cooke, Louise Bourgeois, Arthur C. Danto, Graham Bader, Cory Arcangel, Steven Watson, Tom Gunning, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, David Velasco, Michael Rother, Rachel Harrison, Alastair Wright, Ina Blom, Tauba Auerbach, Alexander Nagel, Ryan McGinley, Peter Saville, Sturtevant, Partha Mitter, David Bordwell, Francesco Vezzoli, Denise Scott Brown, Haegue Yang, Donald Moffett, Tom Burr, Adrian Piper, Fia Backström, Jil Sander, Christine Mehring, Lucy Raven, Thom Andersen, Mark Leckey, André Rottmann, Dennis Lim, Jessica Morgan, Matthew S. Witkovsky, Nuit Banai, T.J. Demos, Alex Scrimgeour, Robert Pincus-Witten, Adam Kleinman, Tim Griffin, Frances Richard, Jeffrey Kastner, Johanna Burton, Joshua Decter, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Donald Kuspit, David Frankel, Lisa Turvey, Emily Hall, Elizabeth Schambelan, Michael Wilson, James Yood, Michelle Grabner, Glen Helfand, Catherine Taft, Christopher Miles, Natilee Harren, Clint Burnham, Barry Schwabsky, John-Paul Stonard, Gilda Williams, Lauren Dyer Amazeen, David Lewis, Claire Moulène, Michèle Faguet, Jens Asthoff, Noemi Smolik, Alessandra Pioselli, Ida Panicelli, Martí Peran, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Kaelen Wilson-Goldie, Saskia van der Kroef, Lars Bang Larsen, Julia Friedman, Colin Chinnery

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Editor's Letter: Forms and Functions," by Michelle Kuo; "Passages: Lynne Cooke on Louis Bourgeois;" "Passages: Arthur C. Danto on Arakawa," by Arthur C. Danto; "Books: Graham Bader on Gerhard Richter," by Graham Bader; "Media: Cory Arcangel on Internet Links Pages," by Cory Arcangel; "Film: Steven Watson on Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman's 'Howl,'" by Steven Watson; "Film: Tom Gunning on the Oberhausen Film Festival," by Tom Gunning; "Dispatch: Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy Reports from Mexico City," by Sofía Hernández; "Slant: Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer on Stephen Kaltenbach," by Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer; "Performance: David Velasco on Ann Liv Young," by David Velasco; "Top Ten," by Michael Rother; "Fall 2010 Exhibitions: 40 Shows Worldwide;" "Rachel Harrison on Paul Thek;" "From the Vault: Alastair Wright on Paul Gauguin," by Alastair Wright; "Questions of Style," by Ina Blom, Tauba Auerbach, Alexander Nagel, Ryan McGinley, Peter Saville, Sturtevant, Partha Mitter, David Bordwell, Francesco Vezzoli, Denise Scott Brown, Haegue Yang, Donald Moffett, Tom Burr, Adrian Piper, Fia Backström, Jil Sander; "Public Options: The Art of Charlotte Posenenske," by Christine Mehring; "In Conversation: Lucy Raven and Thom Andersen;" "The Universal Addressability of Dumb Things;" by Mark Leckey; "1000 Words: Alice Creischer, Max Jorge Hinderer, and Andreas Siekmann," by André Rottmann; "Unspeakable Desire: The Films of João Pedro Rodrigues," by Dennis Lim; "Openings: Simon Fujiwara," by Jessica Morgan. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 277 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 49, No. 4 (December 2010)

Michelle Kuo, John Waters, Amy Taubin, James Quandt, Mark Webber, Marie Losier, Bjorn Copeland, Femi Kuti, Masami Akita, Gudrun Gut, Eszter Balint, David Velasco, T.J. Clark, Catherine Lord, Tatiana Trouvé, Alexander Nehamas, Brigitte Weingart, Mario Garcia Torres, Devin Fore, Nicolás Guagnini, Katerina Šedá, Brian Kennon, Adam Pendleton, Jasia Reichardt, Akram Zaatari, Saâdane Afif, Richard Artschwager, Charles Atlas, Dike Blair, Olaf Breuning, Luis Camnitzer, Mary Ellen Carroll, Xavier Cha, Chen Chieh-Jen, Clegg & Guttmann, Ann Craven, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Simon Dybbroe, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Keith Edmier, Gardar Eide Einarsson, Tony Feher, Cao Fei, Peter Fend, Florian Hecker, Karl Holmqvist, Dorothy Iannone, Teppei Kaneuji, Karen Kilimnik, Camilla Løw, Vera Lutter, Renzo Martens, Rodney McMillian, Bjarne Melgaard, Deimantas Narkevicius, Nils Norman, Ken Okiishi, Falke Pisano, Rob Pruitt, Charles Ray, Pipilotti Rist, Sterling Ruby, Simon Starling, A.L. Steiner, Nicole Wermers, Terry Winters, Liang Yuanwei, Thomas Crow, Daniel Birnbaum, Christine Macel, Richard Hawkins, Okwui Enwezor, Lynne Cooke, Jack Bankowsky, Anne M. Wagner, Matthew Higgs, Michael Ned Holte, Pauline J. Yao, Jeffrey Kastner, Victoria Noorthoorn, Sandhini Poddar, Chris Dercon, Helen Molesworth, Hal Foster, Bruno Latour, John Kelsey, Michael Smith, Tim Griffin, J. Hoberman, Jeffrey Weiss, Johanna Burton, David Frankel, Suzanne Hudson, Michael Wang, Lisa Turvey, Robert Pincus-Witten, Frances Richard, Michael Wilson, Emily Hall, Lloyd Wise, Donald Kuspit, Joshua Decter, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Brian Sholis, Nuit Banai, Christopher Bedford, Lori Waxman, Kyle MacMillan, Glen Helfand, Catherine Taft, Jan Tumlir, Gilda Williams, Barry Schwabsky, Miguel Amado, Lillian Davies, Michèle Faguet, Daniel Boese, Noemi Smolik, Natilee Harren, Daniela Stöppel, Jens Asthoff, Sabine B. Vogel, Yoann Van Parys, Paola Nicolin, Ronald Jones, Dawn Chan, Steven Henry Madoff, Astrid Wege, Zehra Jumabhoy

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Film: Best of 2010," by John Waters, Amy Taubin, James Quandt, Mark Webber, Marie Losier; "Music: Best of 2010," by Bjorn Copeland, Femi Kuti, Masami Akita, Gudrun Gut, Eszter Balint; "Dance: Best of 2010," by David Velasco; "Books: Best of 2010," by David Velasco; "Books: Best of 2010," by T. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 242 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 49, No. 5 (January 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Jordan Kantor, Daniel Birnbaum, Sarah Boxer, David Frankel, Jeffrey Kastner, David Rimanelli, Robert Pincus-Witten, Johanna Burton, Donald Kuspit, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Emily Hall, Suzanne Hudson, Alexander Scrimgeour, Ara H. Merjian, Michael Wilson, Christoph Cox, Paul Galvez, Ivy Cooper, Catherine Taft, Jon Raymond, Gwen Allen, Franklin Melendez, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Michael Ned Holte, Jan Tumlir, Michael Archer, Rachel Withers, Maeve Connolly, Marek Bartelik, Barry Schwabsky, Guitemie Maldonado, Margaret Ewing, Jens Asthoff, Dominikus Müller, Jurriaan Benschop, Marco Tagliafierro, Giorgio Verzotti, Ronald Jones, Pablo Llorca, Kaelen Wilson-Goldie, María Gainza, John Elderfield, Sandy Isenstadt, Alan Licht, Benjamin Paul, Steven Watson, Henry Flynt, Amy Yao, John Baldessari, Rosalind Krauss, Anneka Lenssen, Douglas Crimp, Mike Kelley, Gary Indiana, Carolee Schneemann, John Miller, Neil Jenney, Chris Kraus, J. Hoberman, Joan Kee, Hal Foster, Robert Irwin, François Piron, Graham Bader, Brendan Fay, Nick Mauss, Trisha Brown

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Books: John Elderfield on 'Bob Dylan' by Greil Marcus," by John Elderfield; "Design: Sandy Isenstadt on Kitchen Design and 'Counter Space,'" by Sandy Isenstadt; "Sound: Alan Licht on Martin Kippenberger's 'Musik 1979 - 1995,'" by Alan Licht; "Slant: Benjamin Paul on Marc Bauer," by Benjamin Paul; "Slant: Steven Watson on 'Hide/Seek,'" by Steven Watson; "Media: Henry Flynt on Catherine Christer Hennix's 'The Electric Harpsichord,'" by Henry Flynt; "Top Ten," by Amy Yao; "Winter 2011 Exhibitions: 45 Shows Worldwide"; "John Baldessari on William Leavitt," by John Baldessari; "Rosalind Krauss on 'Picasso: Guitars 1912 - 1914,'" by Rosalind Krauss; "International News: Anneka Lenssen on Mahaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art," by Anneka Lenssen; "You Can Still See Her: The Art of Trisha Brown," by Douglas Crimp; "Body of Influence: Six Views on Paul Thek," by Mike Kelley, Gary Indiana, Carolee Schneeman, John Miller, Neil jenney, and Chris Kraus; "Pop Before Pop: Welles, Sirk, Hitchcock," by J. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 252 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 49, No. 6 (February 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Amy Taubin, Luc Sante, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Jens Hoffmann, Hua Hsu, Alan Licht, Susan Cianciolo, Tom Holert, Nicholas Cullinan, Maria Gough, Claire Bishop, AA Bronson, Gelitin, Madeln, Guyton\Walker, Das Institut, Claire Fontaine, Tiny Creatures, Kai Althoff, Branden W. Joseph, David Velasco, James Quandt, Michael Ned Holte, Jeffrey Weiss, Carol Armstrong, Romy Golan, Sabeth Buchmann, David Frankel, Robert Pincus-Witten, Lisa Turvey, Johanna Burton, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Suzanne Hudson, Donald Kuspit, Frances Richard, Michael Wilson, Eva Díaz, Ida Panicelli, Emily Hall, Caroline Busta, Joshua Decter, Francine Koslow Miller, Jaleh Mansoor, Nick Stillman, Michelle Grabner, Maggie Taft, Gwen Allen, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Christopher Miles, Catherine Taft, Barry Schwabsky, Anthony Byrt, Lillian Davies, Jian-Xing Too, David Lewis, Guitemie Maldonado, Noemi Smolik, Michèle Faguet, Dominikus Müller, Catrin Lorch, Hans Rudolf Reust, Giorgio Verzotti, Alessandra Pioselli, Brigitte Huck, Sylwia Serafinowicz-Wesolowska, Margarita Tupitsyn, Lee Ambrozy, Midori Matsui, Rex Butler, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Pawel Althamer

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Film: Amy Taubin on 'Bill Cunningham New York,'" by Amy Taubin; "Media: Luc Sante on Cigarette Packaging," by Luc Sante; "Slant: Julia Bryan-Wilson on craft and commerce," by Julia Bryan-Wilson; "Books: Jens Hoffmann on 'Exhibiting the New Art,'" by Jens Hoffmann; "Music: Hua Hsu on Audiocassettes," by Hua Hsu; "Music: Alan Licht on Robert Wyatt," by Alan Licht; "Top Ten," by Susan Cianciolo; "Joint Ventures: The State of Collaboration," by Tom Holert; "Group Think: The Collaborative Art of Slavs and Tatars and Chto Delat?" by Nicholas Cullinan; "Corps Concept: The Soviet Collective," by Maria Gough; "Something for Everyone: The Art of Pawel Althamer," by Claire Bishop; "Statements," by AA Bronson, Gelitin, Madeln, Guyton\Walker, Das Institut, Claire Fontaine, Tiny Creatures; "Artist Project: Hijime," by Kai Althoff; "Dark Energy: The Art of Marco Fusinato," by Branden W. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 287 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 59, No. 7 (March 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Meredith Martin, James Quandt, Ekaterina Degot, Morgan Fisher, Nato Thompson, W.A.G.E., Nato Thompson, Cole Roskam, Maria Lind, Ashley Bickerton, Helen Molesworth, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Diedrich Diederichsen, Amy Taubin, Todd Haynes, Nicolás Guagnini, T.J. Demos, Julian Myers, Martin Herbert, Amy Taubin, Johanna Burton, Frances Richard, David Frankel, Robert Pincus-Witten, Lisa Turvey, Suzanne Hudson, Emily Hall, Donald Kuspit, Michael Wilson, Eva Díaz, Joshua Decter, Lloyd Wise, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Nell McClister, Phyllis Tuchman, Lori Waxman, Ivy Cooper, Glen Helfand, Catherine Taft, Jan Timlir, Michael Ned Holte, Dan Adler, Giorgio Verzotti, Gilda Williams, Lauren Dyer Amazeen, Guitemie Maldonado, Jos Van den Bergh, Domenikus Müller, Jurriaan Benschop, Jens Asthoff, Paola Nicolin, Marco Tagliaferro, Marco Meneguzzo, Hans Rudolf Reust, Pablo Llorca, November Paynter, Nuit Banai, Kaelen Wilson-Goldie, Olivier Mignon, Klarina Lidén

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "On Site: Meredith Martin on Contemporary Art at Versailles," by Meredith Martin; "Film: James Quandt on Apichatpong Weerasethakul," by James Quandt; "Books: Ekaterina Degot on Moscow Conceptualism," by Ekaterina Degot; "Slant: Morgan Fisher on Blinky Palermo," by Morgan Fisher; "Slant: Nato Thompson interviews W. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 238 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 49, No. 8 (April 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Greil Marcus, Terry Eagleton, Joachim Pissarro, James Quandt, Melissa Anderson, Tim Griffin, Alan Licht, Nathan Dunne, Christian von Borries, Hal Foster, John Armleder, Fabrice Stroun, Nasser Rabbat, Liz Kotz, John Mackay, André Rottmann, William Kaizen, David Rimanelli, Frances Richard, Lisa Turvey, Johanna Burton, David Frankel, Jeffrey Kastner, Robert Pincus-Witten, Suzanne Hudson, Yates McKee, Michael Wilson, Joshua Decter, Donald Kuspit, Brian Sholis, Emily Hall, Lloyd Wise, Jaleh Mansoor, Michelle Grabner, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Kyle MacMillan, Franklin Melendez, Catherine Taft, Jan Tumlir, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Rachel Withers, Anthony Byrt, Maeve Connolly, Michael Fried, Natilee Harren, Noemi Smolik, Giorgio Verzotti, Marco Tagliafierro, Cathryn Drake, Brigitte Huck, Marek Bartelik, Matthew S. Witkovsky, Ronald Jones, Tom Hermansen, Martí Peran, Juan Vicente Aliaga, Barry Schwabsky, Midori Matsui, Shinyoung Chung

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Passages: Greil Marcus on Captain Beefheart," by Greil Marcus; "Books: Terry Eagleton on François Dosse's 'Deleuze & Guattari,'" by Terry Eagleton; "Books: Joachim Pissarro and David Carrier on Thomas Kinkade," by Joachim Pissarro; "Film: James Quandt on Michelangelo Frammartino's 'Le Quattro Volte," by James Quandt; "Film: Melissa Anderson on Clio Barnard's 'The Arbor,'" by Melissa Anderson; "Film: Tim Griffin on Werner Herzog's 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams,'" by Tim Griffin; "On Site: Alan Licht on Sue de Beer's 'The Ghosts,'" by Alan Licht; "On Site: Nathan Dunne on the Sergei Paradjanov Museum," by Nathan Dunne; "Top Ten," by Christian von Borries; "Close-Up: A RRose in Berlin," Hal Foster on Marcel Duichamp's "Belle Haleine"; "To Be Determined: An Interview with John Armleder," by Fabrice Stroun; "Circling the Square: Archictecture and Revolution in Cairo," by Nasser Rabbat; "1000 Words: Robert Whitman," by Liz Kotz; "A Revolution in Film: The Cinema of Dziga Vertov," by John Mackay; "Openings: Jan Timme," by André Rottmann. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 307 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered
  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 367 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 1 (September 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Craig Clunas, James Quandt, David Joselit, J. Hoberman, Gary Indiana, Rachel Haidu, Chandler Burr, Julia Bryan-Wilson, Claire Bishop, Daniel Birnbaum, Francesco Bonami, Benjamin Paul, Tim Griffin, John Kelsey, Nicholas Cullinan, Paul Galvez, David Joselit, Dieter Roelstraete, Jessica Morgan, Brian Dillon, Christine Mehring, Jeffrey Weiss, Sam Pulitzer, Dennis Lim, Frances Richard, Robert Pincus-Witten, David Frankel, Suzanne Hudson, Lisa Turvey, Ida Panicelli, Donald Kuspit, Emily Hall, Jeffrey Kastner, Michael Wilson, Lauren O'Neill-Butler, Eva Díaz, Daniel Quiles, Martha Buskirk, David M. Lubin, Nuit Banai, Franklin Melendez, Jan Tumlir, Catherine Taft, Michael Ned Holte, John-Paul Stonard, Barry Schwabsky, Zehra Jumabhoy, Maeve Connolly, Jian-Xing Too, Anthony Byrt, John Beeson, Michèle Faguet, Astride Wege, Noemi Smolik, Hans Rudolf Reust, Quinn Latimer, Giorgio Verzotti, Brigitte Huck, Markéta Stará, Kaelen Wilson-Goldie, Lauren Dyer Amazeen, Jon Bywater, Angie Baecker, Shinyoung Chung, R.H. Quaytman

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Books: Craig Clunas on Gao Minglu's 'Total Modernity and the Avant-Garde in Twentieth-Century Chinese Art,'" by Craig Clunas; "Film: James Quandt on Raúl Ruiz's 'Mysteries of Lisbon,'" by James Quandt; "Slant: David Joselit on Nicolás Guagnini's 'The Panel Discussion, the Tennis Match, and a Bodegón,'" by David Joselit; "Slant: J. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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  • periodical
  • pictorial wrappers
  • offset-printed
  • glue bound
  • black-and-white & color
  • 26.5 x 26.5 cm.
  • 340 pp.
  • edition size unknown
  • unsigned and unnumbered


Vol. 50, No. 2 (October 2011)

Michelle Kuo, Briony Fer, Joan Kee, Anna Lovatt, Chanchal Dadlani, David Frankel, Lisa Turvey, Jeffrey Kastner, Robert Pincus-Witten, Eva Díaz, Alexander Scrimgeour, Beau Rutland, Frances Richard, Suzanne Hudson, Emily Hall, Lloyd Wise, Michael Wilson, Donald Kuspit, Francine Koslow Miller, Sylvia Lavin, Michelle Grabner, Phyllis Tuchman, Gwen Allen, Sarah Lehrer-Graiwer, Catherine Taft, Michael Ned Holte, Barry Schwabsky, Zehra Jumabhoy, Giorgio Verzotti, Marek Bartelik, Nuit Banai, Jurriaan Benschop, Margaret Ewing, Jens Asthoff, Astrid Wege, Sandra Smallenburg, Catrin Lorch, Julia Friedman, Marco Tagliafierro, Francesco Stocchi, Sylwia Serafinowicz-Wesolowska, Christian Rattemeyer, Pablo Llorca, Javier Hontoria, Achim Hochdörfer, Amy Taubin, Nick Mauss, Daniel Birnbaum, Alan Licht, Nils Norman, Alex Farquharson, Patti Smith, Anne M. Wagner, Chris Burden, Bennett Simpson, John Baldessari, Thomas Crow, Harry Gamboa Jr., Liz Larner, Andrew Perchuk, Ali Subotnick, Maurice Tuchman, Helene Winer, Richard Meyer, Matthew Biro, Elizabeth Schambelan, John Divola, John Miller, James Merle Thomas, Linda Norden, Julia Bryan-Wilson, David E. James, Kara Keeling, Raymond Pettibon, Eleanor Antin, Kerry Tribe, Billy Al Bengston, Simone Forti, Kaari Upson, Jim Shaw, Charles Ray, Liz Glynn, Paul McCarthy, Morgan Fisher, Piero Golia, Larry Bell, James Welling, Martin Kersels, Robert Kinmont, Fred Lonidier, Edward Ruscha, ASCO

Issue edited by Michelle Kuo. Essays "Passages: Achim Hochdörfer on Leo Steinberg," by Achim Hochdörfer; "Film: Amy Taubin on Lars von Trier's 'Melancholia,'" by Amy Taubin; "Fashion: Nick Mauss on Madame Grès at the Musée Bourdelle," by Nick Mauss; "Slant: Daniel Birnbaum on 'Atlas - How to Carry the World on One's Back?" by Daniel Birnbaum; "Music: Alan Licht on Van Dyke's Parks," by Alan Licht; "On Site: Nils Norman on the Copenhagen Free University," by Nils Norman; "On Site: Alex Farquharson on the Piccadilly Community Centre," by Alex Farquharson; "Top Ten," by Patti Smith; "Art in Los Angeles: Introduction," by Michelle Kuo; "Then and There: The Art of Chris Burden," by Anne M. ... [details]

New York, NY: Artforum,
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objects: 152