Winter 1986 issue of Effects edited by Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo. Contributions by Tricia Collins, Richard Milazzo, Allan McCollum, James Welling, Oliver Wasow, Carroll Dunham, Tom Brazelton, Ettore Bonessio di Terzat, Frank Majore, Peter Nadin, Robin Weglinkski, Joseph Nechvatal, Meyer Vaisman, Peter Halley, Carlo McCormick, Julie Wachtel, David Robbins, Barry Bridgwood, Kevin Larmon, Gérald Van Der Kaap, Peter Klashorst, Jonathan Lasker, Richard Milani, Franco Marinai, Richard Prince, Vikky Alexander, Joseph Masheck, Craig Adcock, Mark Innerst, Jane Bauman, Susan Davis, and Giuseppe Salvatori. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with touring exhibition [no venues or dates noted within catalogue]. Show organized by Livet Reichard Co, Inc., New York to promote the work of Alan Belcher, Gretchen Bender, Jennifer Bolande, Sarah Charlesworth, Clegg & Guttman, Jessica Diamond, Peter Halley, Kevin Larmon, Richard Milani, Peter Nagy, Joseph Nechvatal, Joel Otterson, Steven Parrino, David Robbins, Laurie Simmons, Haim Steinbach, and Julie Wachtel. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held October 1 - November 9, 1969. Essay by Joan C. Siegfried. Includes exhibition checklist. Artists include Terry Allen, Frederick Anderson, Jeremy Anderson, Bernard Aptekar, Robert Arneson, Gene Beery, Wallace Berman, Peter Bodnar, Roger Brown, Roy De Forest, Oyvind Fahlström, Edward C. ... [details]
Issue number 3 of Shiny International, edited by Michael Friedman. Contents include: interview with Eiko Ishioka by Tim Tucker and Steven Hall; interview with Mike Kelley by Ed Smith; interview with Fetchin Bones by Michael Friedman; interview with Arthur Russell by Todd Eberle; interview with Steve Poleskie by Steven Hall; Prose by Dennis Cooper, Peter Cherches, and Cheri Fein; poetry by Ron Padgett, Joe Brainard, Brad Gooch, David Trinidad, Eileen Myles, Jeffrey Jullich, Sal Salasin, and Tom Savage; and "Photo Features" a portfolio by Allen Ginsberg, Fashion photography by Roméo / Latty with fashion by Brian Early, and band photographs by Todd Eberle of Hugo Largo, Zeitgeist, and Wednesday Week. ... [details]
Fall 1985 issue of JOURNAL, edited by Lane Relyea. Featured edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe and John Johnston. Contents include: "Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe and John Johnston; "Two Crowds with Shape of Reason Missing," by John Baldessari; "Century," by Robert Ryman; "To a Swan," by David Shapiro; "Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," The Editors; "Idea as Multiplicity," by Gilles Deleuze; "On Line," by Peter Halley; "Notes on the Kaleidoscope and Stereoscope," by Jonathan Crary; "Thomas Nozkowski: Painting and Proliferation," by Joseph Masheck; "Mass, Crowd and Pack," by Michel Feher; "Lui/un Autre," by Gary Parent; "Some Notes on Proliferation, Process, History," by Sandy Cohen; "Nature," by Kimball Lockhart; "False Works," by Gregory Rukavina; "L'enfant-Bulle," by Jean Baudrillard; "America's Borders Are Everywhere," by Allan Sekula; "The Ditmarsh Tale of Lies," by the brothers Grimm; "To a Swan," a poem by David Shapiro; "Travelog: Excerpts from Plato's Cave, Rothko's Chapel, Lincoln's Profile," by Mike Kelley; "Feature: Multiplicity, Proliferation, Reconvention," edited by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, and Johnston; "Dialog: The Procession of Undine," by T. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held December 9, 2004 - March 19, 2005. Organized by Dan Cameron. Essays by Dan Cameron, Liza Kirwin, Alan W. Moore, Penny Arcade, Patti Astor, Julie Ault, Mitch Corber, Lydia Lunch, Carlo McCormick, Calvin Reid, Mark Russell, and Sur Rodney (Sur). ... [details]
Volume 1 of a catalogue raisonné of the work of artists (last names beginning in A - I) held in the Collection of Contemporary Art Fundación "la Caixa," Barcelona. Catalogue concept and essay by Maria de Corral, director. ... [details]
Exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with show held April 27 - June 12, 1966. Essay by exhibition's curator Kynaston McShine. Includes works by Carl Andre, David Annesley, Richard Artschwager, Larry Bell, Ronald Bladen, Michael Bolus, Anthony Caro, Tony DeLap, Walter de Maria, Tom Doyle, Dan Flavin, Peter Forakis, Paul Frazier, Judy Gerowitz, Daniel Gorski, David Gray, Robert Grosvenor, David Hall, Douglas Huebler, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Phillip King, Lyman Kipp, Gerald Laing, Sol LeWitt, John McCracken, Tina Matkovic, Robert Morris, Forrest Myers, Peter Phillips, Peter Pinchbeck, Salvatore Romano, Tim Scott, Anthony Smith, Robert Smithson, Michael Todd, Anne Truitt, William Tucker, Richard Van Buren, David von Schlegell, Isaac Witkin and Derrick Woodham. ... [details]
Two volume exhibition catalogue published in conjunction with two-part show held March 14 – May 18, 2014 and May 25 – August 3. "Other Primary Structures revisited the premise of and built upon the Museum's seminal 1966 exhibition Primary Structures: Younger American and British Sculptors, the first American museum exhibition to survey the style now known as Minimalism. ... [details]
Double sided postcard / announcement published in conjunction with show held December 2 - 18, 1995. Artists included Ross Bleckner, Lawrence Carroll, Milton Avery, James Welling, Mark Innerst, Gerhard Richter, Laurie Simmons, Peter Halley, Robert Rauschenberg, David Wojnarowicz, Allan McCollum, Cindy Sherman, Richard Prince, Vik Muniz, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Sal Scarpitta, Jonathan Lasker, Annette Lemieux, Peter Nagy, Robert Longo, Not Vital, Sol LeWitt, Robin Rose, Sandro Chia, and Saint Clair Cemin. [details]